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Volunteering with Cadets – a way of life

The word ‘Cadets’ evokes fond and happy memories to so many people, and for some, the Cadet Forces become a huge part of their lives from childhood and throughout adulthood. We spoke to Colonel Nigel Sarling, whose passion for the Army Cadet Force (ACF) has taken him on a 48 year adventure (so far) from Cadet to Cadet Force Adult Volunteer and most…

Estates team welcome changes

Our Estates Team have embraced the introduction of the Future Defence Infrastructure Services (FDIS). Having successfully completed the necessary pre FDIS contract training courses provided by Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) meant that they were able to proceed with the implementation date of 1st August 2024. As a part of the new FDIS Hard Facilities Management contract, we retain the responsibility for the management,…

Summit Learning Trust visit Portsmouth for a tour of HMS Queen Elizabeth

A group of 30 Cadets and students from Cockshut Hill School, Lyndon School and Ninestiles, an Academy, all part of the Summit Learning Trust, recently had an unforgettable experience, courtesy of the Royal Navy’s Attract Team. At the end of September the group visited Portsmouth’s historic Naval base and toured HMS Queen Elizabeth, the Royal Navy’s flagship aircraft carrier.  The visit offered them…

Employers receive coveted Ministry of Defence Award

Thirty seven employers from the West Midlands region have been presented with their Ministry of Defence Employer Recognition Scheme (ERS) Silver Awards. Our awards took place on Wednesday 11th September, at the National Memorial Arboretum. The ERS awards are now in their 10th year and continue to recognise employer support for the wider principles of the Armed Forces Covenant. The scheme encompasses bronze,…

New Chief Executive for West Midland RFCA

Colonel (Ret’d) Richard Maybery took on the role of Chief Executive at the West Midland Reserve Forces & Cadets Association (RFCA) in December 2017 after a 35 year career in the regular Army. After nearly seven years in the Colonel Maybery is retiring and handing over to Lieutenant Colonel (Ret’d) Richard Hopkins. Colonel Maybery commented: “It’s been an enormous privilege to have been…

Organisations win Gold Award for supporting Armed Forces community

  193 organisations, nationally, have been recognised with a Gold Award from the UK Government, the highest badge of honour for supporting the Armed Forces community.   The Defence Employer Recognition Scheme Gold Award recognises the positive role that employers play in supporting defence and inspiring others to do the same.   This year organisations of all sizes, from all sectors and from…

New Hard Facilities Management arrangements for Reserves and Cadets

New arrangements to provide Hard Facilities Management (HFM) to Ministry of Defence (MOD) sites used by Reserves and Cadets have come into effect today (1 August 2024). The MOD’s existing Built Estate contracts, which provide HFM services to Defence sites across the UK, were amended to add the additional sites into their scope. The Built Estate contracts were awarded to Mitie Defence, VIVO…