
Reserve Centres go green

Eight Army Reserve Centres in our region are helping to reduce their carbon footprint after the installation of new EV Chargers at their sites. The project, managed by our Estates team and overseen by our Estates Officer Soft FM, saw secure plug-in charging stations installed at each centre to charge the unit’s official military vehicles and white fleet. Working in conjunction with the…

New multi-million pound Joint Cadet Centre in Stafford

Ground has been broken and work started on a new Joint Cadet Centre in Stafford.   The project, led by our Association, will provide new training facilities for the following units from Staffordshire and Birmingham (North Sector) Army Cadet Force (ACF): HQ Company, C Company (Stafford) unit, Corps of Drums. From the Royal Air Force Air Cadets the following units will move to…

Estates team welcome changes

Our Estates Team have embraced the introduction of the Future Defence Infrastructure Services (FDIS). Having successfully completed the necessary pre FDIS contract training courses provided by Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) meant that they were able to proceed with the implementation date of 1st August 2024. As a part of the new FDIS Hard Facilities Management contract, we retain the responsibility for the management,…

Hard facilities management services for the Volunteer Estate to be delivered by the MoD Built Estate contracts

Following the conclusion of the Volunteer Estate Value for Money Study, it has been agreed that Hard Facilities Management services for the Volunteer Estate will in the future be delivered by the MOD Built Estate contracts. These contracts cover key maintenance work, repairs, servicing and Hard Facilities Management, across the Volunteer Estate to enable Reserves and Cadets to continue to work and train….

Cadet hut receives makeover

Refurbishment works at an Army Cadet Force (ACF) building in Staffordshire will bring a fresh start for their cadets once they are able to return to face-to-face activities. The centre, which is based at Pinnox Street in Stoke-on-Trent, is home to the Tunstall ACF Detachment, part of the Staffordshire and West Midlands (North Sector) ACF. As a 1970s ‘Spooner’ type hut, the timber-clad…

New heating system improves carbon footprint on the Defence estate

An innovative new heating system is bringing a positive environmental impact to the Defence volunteer estate in the West Midlands region. Our Association’s Estates team, whose role includes overseeing the upkeep of some 30 tri-service Reserve Centres and providing support and maintenance to 250 Cadet units on behalf of the Ministry of Defence, highlighted issues relating to the efficiencies and maintenance of the…