Our Association provides funds in support of adventure training for Reserve and Cadet units and one of the latest trips we have supported is the 37 Signal Regiment’s annual skiing expedition. An account from the trip with the highlights and successes can be found below.
Exercise Dragon Sorbet is the Regiments’ annual skiing expedition to Kirtchdorf, Austria. This year, twenty five personnel participated in both alpine and ski touring. With varying abilities, it was our intent to hold Ski Foundation One (SF 1) , Ski Foundation Two (SF 2) and Ski Foundation Two Continuation Training (SF 2 CT) courses.
As an opening note, we would once again like to thank the West Midland Reserve Forces & Cadets Association and above all the Royal Corps of Signals for their continued financial support, without which the personal cost to those participating would have been considerably more.
On the 16 Jan, the administration support team in three crew buses departed Redditch in order to make the 16-hour road trip. The support team have become an integral part of this annual event transporting loan pool and personal equipment to Kirtchdorf.
The main body deployed from Birmingham on 18 Jan and after a short flight to Salzburg, members of the admin party were waiting to greet them at the airport with the three crew buses. One hour, and an uneventful journey, we all arrived at the Gasthoff Neuwirt in Kirtchdorf to be known as Camp Neuwirt. Without delay we descended into the village to collect skis and boots. The weather was superb with bright blue skies and clean pristine snow. Ideal conditions for both alpine and ski touring.
Day One – Welcome to Exercise Dragon Sorbet 25. Today is your day zero!
Day One
All groups headed to St Jakob, this area is ideal for all levels of ability. The region has been used by 37 Signal Regiment for the last ten years, which provides the benefit of the instructors knowing the ski areas well and therefore able to conduct training immediately. The area offers blue through to black runs and were ideal to conduct assessments.

Day Two
With at least 1m of fresh snow both SF 1 and SF 2 were able to get some powder under their skis and in some cases in their helmets!! Conditions were almost balmy at times with temperatures at 1800m reaching +10c with only -5c in the valley. Sun cream was the order of the week for this year’s participants. All students were reminded of the need to rehydrate and not to eat snow; especially the yellow kind!! The SF 2 CT group consisted of individuals whom had attended previous exercises and are working their way through the Joint Service Ski Scheme. The SF 2 CT group conducted their “Ski Touring Day” and ski toured to the summit of Zell am See, A total of 5 hours from the start to the summit.

After a day in the beginners’ area SF 1 now ventured onto the area of Steinplatte. For many of the novices the long blue runs proved to be both a mental and physical test. Under expert tuition the group soon got to grips with the art of both the plough and plough parallel turn.

Day Three & Four
Again, with excellent weather all three groups used this opportunity hone their skills in what they had been taught during the first few days of instruction. SF 1 ventured further up to the top Steinplatte and tackled some more technical blue runs. Both SF 2 groups were getting in the miles on more technical red runs and plenty of off piste. Part of the SF 2 course objectives also cover avalanche drills and procedures. Students practiced emergency shelter training, operating a transceiver, using a probe (to search for a buried victim) and shovelling techniques.

SF1 selecting their first run of the morning.
Day Five
The SF 1 group completed their final assessments with six of the seven SF 1 students passing. They will now progress through the scheme.
All groups experienced long days and as the week progressed the conditions got even more challenging. With the warm sun causing the pistes to become extremely soft and heavy. That aside the students were prepared to push themselves to both their physical and mental limits.

Day Six
The final day allows all the students to consolidate their weeks tuition with a day of skiing independently of their instructors. Whilst some groups spent a nice casual morning exploring the blue and a few red routes some individuals took the opportunity to ski with members from their Squadrons in the other groups.
Ex Dragon Sorbet has provided members of the Regiment with an opportunity to experience Alpine Skiing and ski touring for the first time. In all, six novice skiers achieved SF 1 and will progress to SF 2, seven students qualified at SF 2 with two students showing great potential to progress on future Ski Leader courses. Once again DRAGON SORBET has proved to be a strong enhancer of both the moral and physical component.
With financial restrictions being imposed across most of defence, Alpine and Ski touring can still be achieved. Seeking the best deals and value for money is time consuming but a necessity. Once again without the financial support of the West Midland Reserve Forces & Cadets Associations and The Royal Corps of Signals fund. Many of those who attended this year would not have been able to do so due to financial constraints. All agreed it is worth the One Days’ Pay Scheme.
A huge thank you to the Royal Signals Charity and the West Midland Reserve Forces & Cadets Association for their continued financial support.
Find out more about the Reserve Forces.
Published 06/02/2025.